Western Berks EMS ambulance User Fees (patient billing) are in place to recoup costs.

EMS ambulance billing is determined by the service provided. The following terms are used to describe service types:

  • Basic Life Support (BLS) – Medical evaluation, vital signs, bandaging, splinting, oxygen, etc.
  • Advanced Life Support (ALS) – Medications, IVs, advanced airway procedures, heart monitoring, 12-lead EKGs, heart pacing, etc.
  • ALS I – ALS procedure
  • ALS II – Multiple ALS procedures
  • Loaded Miles – Distance of transport with the patient on board

Everyone transported to an Emergency Department (ED) receives at least BLS care. Some patients receive ALS I or ALS II care.

Not all patients we see are transported to an ED. Some patients not transported may still receive BLS, ALS I or ALS II-level care. A BLS No Transport fee may be charged when medical supplies are used. An ALS No Transport fee may be charged when ALS procedures are performed. ALS No Transport is a single rate, regardless of whether multiple ALS procedures are performed.

Western Berks EMS EMS does not itemize bills but uses the following rate structure. The rates below are effective January 1, 2025.

ALS Emergency Transport A0427: $1,300 + loaded mile (see Mileage A0425)
BLS Emergency Transport A0429: $970 + loaded mile (see Mileage A0425)
ALS 2 Emergency Transport A0433: $1,600 + loaded mile (see Mileage A0425)
Mileage A0425: $13.20/mile
ALS Treat, No Transport: $1,155
BLS Treat, No Transport: $700

Out-of-Pocket Costs

In some situations, insurance companies and Medicare pay some portion of the EMS bill. What remains of the bill after they have paid is the responsibility of the patient. Refer to your insurance company or Medicare for information on how much they will cover.


We will electronically submit all ambulance service claims for Medicare Part B patients. Once Western Berks EMS has received payment from Medicare and we have written off the agreed amount with Medicare, we will submit a claim to the patient’s secondary insurance provider.

Private Insurance

Western Berks EMS is not a contracted provider with any insurance company. We will, however, submit a standardized claim to your insurance company. How much of your claim is paid by your insurance company will depend on your policy, deductibles, and the insurance company’s standardized fee structure for services. Please take a moment to read “Explanation of Benefits (EOB)” from your insurance company when you receive it in the mail. It will explain what amount was paid toward the ambulance charges. Any amount remaining after the insurance has paid their portion will be reflected on your next monthly bill. Any amount not paid by your Insurance company is your responsibility.

Blue Cross/Blue Shield Insurance

Most insurance companies will send the check to you, the PATIENT. Please endorse the check and mail it to us or deposit this check and write a check to us for the total amount due. Please include a copy of the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) for our records.

Payment for Services

If you do not have insurance coverage for ambulance transportation or you owe a balance after your insurance has been paid, payment is your responsibility. Please call our office at 610-678- 1545 option 2 to set up a workable monthly payment plan. We accept cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards. If you wish to pay via credit card, please refer to our online secure credit card portal or please call our office.